[Capri25]Looking for a Used 140-145 -- #2 Jib for a Capri 25

Corny Boersma cboersma at prodigy.net
Sat May 24 08:02:08 CDT 2003

Hi Fellow Capri Owners,

I'm looking to buy a used #2 that is in pretty good shape.  I know most of
your spouses have asked you to toss those old sails hundreds of times, so
here's your chance to get a little bit of money for them and clean up that
storage room.  Also, if you had a used spin (heavy or light) I would
consider this also.

Corny Boersma
cboersma at prodigy.net
Off LIne

952-933-7882 (h)
952-212-3838 (c)

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