[Capri25] WYC website

Odell Tuttle otuttle at gmail.com
Tue Nov 21 13:27:15 CST 2017

As many of you know, the new wyc.org website went live Saturday afternoon.
We felt this was the best time of year to make the transition as things are
pretty quiet.  But, of course, we're not done yet.

*What's Next?*
Over the coming several weeks we'll be working to identify the people who
will maintain content, and get them educated on just how to do that.  The
WYC board also plans to continue forward with some additional branding
improvements in 2018 which I'm certain will bring about more changes.  Stay
tuned for more information on that.

Meanwhile, feel free to contact me if you have questions or can't find
something.  Also, if you have urgent requests for corrections or other
content needs, please send me a note.  I'm glad to assist in the interim
while we get appropriate content owners in the saddle.


*Odell Tuttle*

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