[Capri25] [J22-Fleet 1] WYC Update - Docks

Eric Adams whaleblazers at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 23 21:31:01 CDT 2020

I have an extending tongue on my trailer, any suggestions of a ramp that would get deep far enough to launch by trailer? I’ve never done it...
Eric Adams

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 23, 2020, at 9:26 PM, Andy Spence-Parsons via J22 <j22 at lists.wyc.org> wrote:

Dear members:

  *   The Governor’s Executive Order(EO) mandating stay-at-home remains in effect until May 3, 2020 at 11:59 pm – see here<https://mn.gov/governor/assets/2a.%20EO%2020-33%20Final_tcm1055-427370.pdf>
  *   The Governor’s EO mandating the closure of places of public accommodation also remains effect until May 3, 2020 at 11:59 pm – see here<https://mn.gov/governor/assets/2020_03_16_EO_20_04_Bars_Restaurants_tcm1055-423380.pdf>
  *   The Governor's EO allowing some forms of outdoor activity offers some faint signs of relief as follows, although racing remains expressly prohibited

The WYC board met last weekend to consider the implications of the most recent order. Since all WYC racing activities require a permit approved by the City, and the LMCD, and issued by the Sheriffs office, we also sought their opinion. EO 20-38<https://mn.gov/governor/assets/EO%2020-38%20Final%20Signed%20and%20Filed_tcm1055-429089.pdf>, section 3, kk, iv says in part “public and private marinas and docks that provide storage, docking, and mooring services to slip owners or seasonal renters” may be open so long as participants are from a single household and comply with the Outdoor Recreational Guidelines<https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/aboutdnr/covid-19-outdoor-recreation-guidelines.html>.

The Board has agreed (and the city staff concur) the docks can now be used by members to moor and use their boats only with members of their immediate household, and in accordance with the Outdoor Recreational Guidelines.  We cannot stress this last point enough.  Boats may ONLY be used by members of your immediate household.  Members must not be within 6-feet of someone who is not part of their immediate household.  Remember, the docks are only 4-feet wide. We rely on locally issued permits  in order to run races.  Based on circumstances and the best interests of the Club, its members and the greater community, the Board reserves the right to deny access to any member, revoke memberships and/or close the docks to all at any time. Each member intending to launch will be required to complete a short usage agreement (Click here<https://forms.gle/mGE2Zn135uMah42s9>), confirming they will comply with the social distancing requirements.

In practical terms, this change may be somewhat limited. The reality is most boats used at our club require help to rig and launch from people outside an immediate household.  Since this would not be in compliance with the EO (which only allows us to “provide storage, docking, and mooring services”) we have regrettably decided the crane and gin pole must remain unavailable. We are acutely aware this will disappoint several members. We’re truly sorry about that. Please remember, this is just the first small step of a multi-step process to open up the club as the situation allows.


  *   The docks are open to allow mooring and family boating within the guidelines.
  *   The club building is closed to promote social distancing. The locks have been changed. Yes. Seriously. (There is a DNR porta-pottie at the launch ramp if you get caught short)
  *   The patio is closed to promote social distancing. The tables/chairs have been removed. The grills are shut off.
  *   The gate is pinned open to eliminate a common touch point
  *   The crane remains switched off and the gin pole is unavailable to promote social distancing, and eliminate a common touch point.
  *   The Board reserves the right to revoke memberships and/or close the docks at any time

These are challenging times to be sure.  We all want to get back to doing what we love. We will provide more updates as the situation changes. In the meantime, let’s not “mess" this up.

J22 mailing list
J22 at lists.wyc.org
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