[Ensign] Celestial Navigation seminar @ WYC Thur, Feb 27 6:30pm

Smith, Craig A (AME MN14) Craig.A.Smith at honeywell.com
Fri Feb 21 12:20:48 CST 2014

I've updated the presentation for 2014, added new slides and video with a nod to Shackleton.

If it's cloudy, this will be much like 2 years ago.  However, if the sky is clear, we'll review Sextant technique and head outside to shoot Betelgeuse with artificial horizons.  Back inside, we'll reduce sights and award prizes* for the most accurate.

Ideally, celestial navigators have 4 things: Sextant, Ephemeris (like the Nautical Almanac), Chronometer, and some type of Sight-Reduction method (I'll mention 5).  Fortunately, there's a Free App for iPods, iPhones and iPads that does all of the above. You are encouraged to bring your device, after downloading AstroNav Lite<http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/astronav-lite/id440513517?mt=8> by Sascha Troscheit.  There's also a 4-star Android app for $20<http://www.navimatics.com/Celestial/> but I've not tried it.

For details and advanced registration,  see http://www.wyc.org/Seminars/WinterSeminars.aspx

* Limited edition Fun Club 2013 glassware.

- Craig A. Smith mailto:craig.a.smith at honeywell.com  Office 1-763-954-2895, Cell  1-612.345.2147

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