[J22-Fleet 1] Commodore Cup

Lars Hansen Lars at thestudio-mpls.com
Tue Oct 10 17:15:01 CDT 2006

Forecast for Saturday looks warmer and lighter winds, perfect for some 
single handed sailing.
Lets get a big group of single handed J22's for the Commodore cup race.
Start is at 10am  in front of the club. You will be home by 1:30.
Looks like we could see:

Scott Bringham
John Peterson
Brent Peterson
David Brasch
Sean Hendrikson
Jon Olson
George Hansen
Lars Hansen
Mark Edelman

How about a few more? Nick, Terry, Neil, Peter, Chris, Christine, Roger, 
Mike,Dan, Ross, Steve, Steve, Pat, Rick, Bob, Judy

The hardest part is the gibes, if you have a tiller extension with a 
golf club grip it wedges under the aft mooring cleat very well and the 
boat will steer it-self. Another technique is to tie a line or shock 
cord between the two spinnaker blocks with a loop for the end of the 
tiller. When you want to gibe, turn the boat dead downwind, lock the 
tiller, move the spinnaker to the other side and get back to the tiller 
and clean up. quite easy.

If you don't want to sail alone come out any way and try and beat up on 
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