[J22-Fleet 1] Fw: [Capri25] Fw: John Pearson-please forward to other wyc and myc fleets

Thorn Turner jtturner12 at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 15 12:43:00 CST 2010

Fleet 1,

Here's some additional information on John Pearson in case you hadn't already 

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: "Crump, Jonathan" <JACrump at leoadaly.com>
To: "j24 at lists.wyc.org" <j24 at lists.wyc.org>
Subject: John Pearson-please forward to other wyc and myc fleets
As some of you have heard, John Pearson is in the hospital in critical care.  We 
brought John into the HCMC emergency room on Monday afternoon, he had been 
feeling sick for three days and was acting as if he were drunk, stumbling when 
walking and somewhat confused in his speech.
When we arrived at the emergency room they immediately took John into the 
stabilization room, he was an hour or two away from death.  The informed us that 
John was having a heart attack and that he was experiencing diabetic 
kytoacidosis.  His blood sugar level was 1250 which is off the charts and it was 
amazing that John was not in a coma at the time of arriving at the hospital.  
John’s son James was able to come up from Des Moines, his sister Luanne drove in 
from Wisconsin and his brother Art flew in from Dallas to be with John Monday 
night.  His brother Mark came down from Fargo on Tuesday.  The hospital 
stabilized John Monday night, reducing his blood sugar to 150 and placing a 
stint near his left ventricle.
Tuesday morning, they discovered that John had hemorrhagic pancreatitis.  They 
have now operated on the pancreas and he is once again stable.  This is the most 
serious issue and John has a long recovery ahead of him.
It is likely that the hospital will keep John in a medically induced coma for 
several weeks.  At this time, the hospital has allowed a few visitors, his room 
at HCMC is  Red-7-672.  I will let everyone know when John is conscious and 
responsive if you would like to visit at that time.
Jonathan A. Crump, AIA, LEED® AP
Market Sector Leader - Higher Education Programs
730 Second Avenue South, Suite 1100,  Minneapolis, MN 55402-2455
T 612.338.8741    F 612.338.4840    D 612.341.9547    C 612.419.9396
www.leoadaly.com    JACrump at leoadaly.com

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