[J22-Fleet 1] Districts Update

Thorn Turner jtturner12 at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 25 20:44:31 CDT 2012

Fleet 1,
The weather's looking great for this weekend and everything's coming together nicely for Districts.  This is one of our two opportunities to have the lake to ourselves for an entire weekend - let's take advantage of it.  Here's who I have confirmed so far:  
	* 230
	* 431
	* 444
	* 486
	* 513
	* 651
	* 692
	* 810
	* 881
	* 963
	* 1209
	* 1318
	* 1590
If you're not on this list and planning on sailing PLEASE let me know asafp so we can make sure we have enough food for the weekend.  
On that note - for all you gardeners out there - we're looking for tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, peppers, herbs, beans, carrots, etc. for a garden salad and other needs.  Please let Jill know (cc'd on this) if you have anything.  Let no one say Fleet 1 doesn't buy local and organic... ok "buy" isn't exactly the right word...
Except for the beer - well, wrong again other than it's local.  We're being GIVEN some great Excelsior Brewing Company kegs for Saturday and Sunday, as well as some great awards courtesy of Veritas Marketing.  PLEASE SAY THANK YOU  to John Klick and Holly Anderson, and frequent their businesses every chance you get!  
In that spirit, we're going to have registration on Friday at Excelsior Brewing Company, 421 3rd Street, Excelsior, MN 55331, http://excelsiorbrew.com/.  Please join us and reward yourself with a pint after weighing in!  You can also register starting at 8:00 am on Saturday at WYC, but we must have your payment and signed waiver BEFORE racing.  
Please let me know if any questions.  Thanks and look forward to seeing you this weekend.  
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