[J22-Fleet 1] Now that we have your attention ;^)

Heather Fraser heatherf at pcspeed.com
Fri Jun 14 16:58:29 CDT 2013

Here's a little more info on the event tomorrow. Registration at 10, race should be over by noon, picnic goes until we all need a nap. (Figure 2 PM)

Here's how:

 *   Bring your boat. If you don't have kids or novice sailor friends, figure on picking up a few at the club. We are inviting the world and want your boat.
 *   Meet at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 15 at Wayzata Yacht Club for registration.
 *   Bring lifejackets. We've let participants know that every kid needs one, but bring extras if you have them.
 *   There is a voluntary $5/person donation to WCSC. Everything else is free!
 *   We'll have a short race (under 45-minutes) in Wayzata Bay!
 *   Depending on weather and number of participants, we'll provide a race/boat ride experience for everyone until lunchtime.
 *   About noon we'll come in for a grilled lunch (hot dogs & burgers), beverages, games, trophies and the Ice Cream Sundae Bar
 *   Every kid who participates receives an engraved Ice Cream Sundae Spoon!
 *   Festivities wind down at nap time.
How to help out:

From: ais-bounces at lists.wyc.org [mailto:ais-bounces at lists.wyc.org] On Behalf Of Heather Fraser
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 4:46 PM
To: ais at lists.wyc.org; Capri 25 WYC; ensign at lists.wyc.org; j22 at lists.wyc.org; j24 at lists.wyc.org; s2 at lists.wyc.org; sonar at lists.wyc.org; phrf at lists.wyc.org; morc at lists.wyc.org
Subject: [AIS] Walk away from the lawn mower---let's get our breeze on for the Bob Slocum Memorial Family Fun Regatta and Picnic!

Bob Slocum Memorial Family Fun Regatta and Picnic is tomorrow at 10 am-let's get our breeze on!

Forecast says this will be a near-perfect day to take kids and novice sailors out for a short but real race-winds 5-10, and we are expecting a CROWD! Now we just need YOU to bring your boat, with at least one crew, load up with guests, and get some future club members and maybe even Olympic sailors excited about sailing!

Gang, if it's a choice between working in your yard and coming out for this regatta tomorrow, come out sailing. All the yards in my neighborhood look like they just rolled out of bed after a long night. One more day won't make any difference, but a kid's first experience of feeling breeze hit the sails has a good chance of changing his or her life forever. You can do that, tomorrow.

So throw down that trowel, pick up a tiller, and let's get out to honor our friend, mentor, dad and grandpa Bob Slocum in a way that does him proud, by showing some kids what it's all about.

See you on the water,

Heather Fraser

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