[J22-Fleet 1] What did T Flynn and the Guest Skippers teach you?

Sean Delaney sean_p_delaney at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 17 12:04:37 CDT 2014

Students of J optimization,

When I walked up to the informative dockside "chalk talk" I was impressed when I heard Thorn and Lars both exclaim they learned something new. Namely to tune your boat to your forestay tension. 

Jake and I learned instinctively that old J/24 #7 did not follow the guide, nor does 4520 or probably most of them. Although the 22 is simpler to tune, each boat is built different, that at some point it's worth diving into the mystery which is YOURS. 

It's worth noting that Bill Allen who has more sailing knowledge in a sun spot than most of us ever will, is playing with some radical tuning #'s these days. This from a guy that sailed #7 when it was new!

As for me, I learned to mark my main sheet, which of course I heard before but this time I LEARNED IT because the day before I was taking too long to know what 'mode' I was in. I realized how much I rely on feel, but my sheet would twist creating friction and I think I had previously lowered my purchase for light air. A mark would remind me. Simple, fast and free. 

It would be great to hear what you learned because some of us probably missed it. 

Well played fleet 1!

Sent from my iPhone

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