[J22-Fleet 1] Fleet Mtg Reminder and Dues

Michael Bowers msbowers55439 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 25 12:19:51 CDT 2015

Just a quick reminder that there is a fleet meeting/social at the Lyn-Lake
Brewery at 7pm this Monday.  The Brewery is closed to the public, so we'll
have it all to ourselves.  www.lynlakebrewery.com

Bring your check books or a check filled out to "WYC-J22 Fleet" for $50 (or
$200 for the all in Joe Cool/Districts/Dues discounted non-refundable fee).

If you can't make the meeting, please send to me at:

Michael Bowers
5612 Hillside Ct
Edina, MN 55439

Just a heads up, Ernie has already asked me for a list of dues paying boats
and will withhold scores for non-paying boats.  Please get me the dues
before the first race.  The funds are used for fleet promotion and for the
A series party.

The regattas are run as self funded events; so don't worry that you're
subsidizing the hard core racers with your dues.

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