[J22-Fleet 1] Crew Available

Matthew Thompson gavasaur at gmail.com
Fri Mar 9 12:35:23 CST 2018

Hey folks -

I've got requests from two awesome WCSC sailors looking for rides in our
fleet. Absolutely thrilled I get to vouch for both of these, both are
strong sailors, fast learners, and are looking to access the knowledge in
our fleet.

Emma AuBuchon - emma.aubuchon at gmail.com
*Junior in HS, has sailed our J22s a bunch, and has competed in sonar and
J22 match racing regularly the past two years. Brings a good eye and is
assertive and confident on any boat. Emma is a great find if you're looking
for a do all on the boat and is willing to take instruction. May recognize
the name from her father Larry and the Capri fleet. Someone get her a ride!
Emma probably sails better than you, and she'll be kicking us all over the
place at some point in the near future.*

Erik Sundberg - emma.aubuchon at gmail.com

*Erik has just completed his freshman year at Madison. A strong crew and a
2nd year instructor here at WCSC. Erik is analytical. Ask him about sail
shape. Seriously. He's looking to access this fleet to sail a dynamic boat
that is approachable as the 420s he's an expert at, but is super interested
in going the next level with mast and rig tune. Let this kid read and give
him the keys to the mast. He'll make your boat go fast. Not to mention he's
also a fast learner, super fun, and strong teammate. *
No excuses this summer! Get one of these folks booked for a series before
you regret it. The boats that grab them WILL be faster.

Matt Thompson
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