[J24 ListSrv] Foredeck Training - May 25th

Valerie Petit val.petit16 at yahoo.com
Fri May 20 10:31:45 CDT 2011

As we are bringing a lot of new sailors to our fleet, and as few people have 
asked, I will be doing a Foredeck Training 

When: Wednesday May 25th @ 5:30 pm to 7:00 (or longer if people have questions)
Where: Wayzata Yacht Club

This is for BEGINNER ONLY. 

At the dock, we will go over the Foredeck position step by step (during jibes, 
upwind and downwind rounding).
We will NOT go on the water. The plan is to setup a on the water trainning the 
following week to practice what we learned. (Weather allowing).

Please contact me directly at val.petit16 at yahoo.com to let me  who will be 

At this time, I am asking we keep this within the J24 Fleet!
Thank you

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