[J24 ListSrv] Saturday Rumble Info

Terry Foster terry at thefosters.org
Tue Sep 17 08:56:31 CDT 2019

Let’s get ready to Rumble!!

There have been a few questions about the Rumble so I thought I’d send out
a note

Where:  Main Lake

When: Saturday 11:00 – This is a new time

What: This is really a test run for the U-Gotta Regatta.  We will have 3-4
races.  We will be trying two different courses; one course will be the
regular Thursday Trapezoid Course.  We will also be testing a US Sailing
trapezoid course.  We will have course diagrams for you shortly.  We will
also be trying different starting times and orders.

Because this is a “Rumble” there will not be a Champ race for J22’s, J24’s
or J70’s on Sunday.  Each Class winner of the Rumble will get Boat of the
Year points just like every other Rumble.

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