[Morc] This is "the formal reminder" that the Morc Chili Lunch is scheduled for after the 4th Commodore Cup Race on Saturday, October 18th----

Don Sundell donsundell at earthlink.net
Mon Oct 6 15:16:18 UTC 2008

----and I'm looking for some volunteers to pick up food items and clean-up
help on the day of the event.  


Our plan is to be ready to serve by 11:00 in case the race is blown-off.  We
have the serving crew lined up (Skedaddle Crew will handle this)


So if you're not racing or your spouse isn't racing, please volunteer to:


*	Pick up Cornbread at Cub in Minnetonka
*	Pick up cole slaw at Village Meats in Wayzata
*	Pick up sheet cakes at Costco in St. Louis Park
*	Clean up after the event- need 4 or 5 people for this thankless task


Let me know by Email which of these things you can help with.




Don Sundell


donsundell at earthlink.net


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