[Phrf] VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Annual Fall Regatta Chili Feed - Sun 9/23/18

Jolene Thibedeau Boyd joleneboyd at centurylink.net
Sat Sep 8 15:31:34 CDT 2018

Calling all PHRF Members! 

Sun 9/23 will be the Annual Fall Regatta Chili Feed, immediately following Races 3 & 4 of the Fall Regatta (more details here: [ https://www.facebook.com/events/481439995671437/?acontext=%7B%22source%22%3A4%2C%22action_history%22%3A%22%5B%7B%5C%22surface%5C%22%3A%5C%22group%5C%22%2C%5C%22mechanism%5C%22%3A%5C%22surface%5C%22%2C%5C%22extra_data%5C%22%3A%5B%5D%7D%5D%22%2C%22has_source%22%3Atrue%7D&source=4&action_history=%5B%7B%22surface%22%3A%22group%22%2C%22mechanism%22%3A%22surface%22%2C%22extra_data%22%3A%5B%5D%7D%5D&has_source=1&fref=gs&dti=1386930478302297&hc_location=group | https://www.facebook.com/events/481439995671437/ ] ) 

I am looking for volunteers to help in these areas: 

    * Set up (can be done prior to the races if you come early, or during race time) 
    * Heat up the chili (chili will be purchased, so it's literally just heating it up and transferring to roasters to keep warm) and prep the food tables (will need to be done during race time) 
Serve chili and re-supply food tables (will need a couple volunteers to be there before everyone gets back from the races, and a few to take a shift immediately following the ra ces) 

    * Clean up (post-race/post-event) 
Please let me know as soon as possible (either by responding to this email or in a private message on FB) if you're able to help ensure this is a successful club event, sponsored by the PHRF Fleets! (Because we do need to maintain our status as the most social fleets!! ) 

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer! 

P.S Josh Garvin, PHRF 2 Fleet Captain, will be making a large batch of vegan chili--we do not need any additional chili to be made/provided (chili con carne--i.e. meat--will be purchased ahead of time and heated up the day of the event). What we NEED is volunteers to fill the roles listed above the day of the event. 

Jolene Boyd, PHRF Social Coordinator 

"Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better." (Maya Angelou) 

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