[Phrf] WYC - racing restarts tonight (S2 7.9, J24, J22, and Sonar) and Double Handed 1.

Andy Spence-Parsons andy.spence-parsons at comcast.net
Mon Aug 17 06:32:24 CDT 2020

Good Monday morning,

We restart racing tonight for course 1 fleets (S2 7.9, J24, J22, and Sonar) and Double Handed; after a brief, but necessary, pause. As you prepare, here are some important reminders.

If you or anyone in your Crew (or family) is ill: (a)stay at home and do not come to any WYC facility; (b) leave the WYC properties immediately, without interacting with anyone else; (c) inform WYC either by email at vice.commodore at wyc.org or by calling Thorn Turner at 612.743.4929 that they are displaying symptoms (including describing the symptoms they are experiencing; (d) in the event they are tested for COVID-19 to inform WYC of the results as set forth above.

Daily Checkin:
Additionally, you must checkin using one of the QR codes or the checkin available at WYC.org/restartracing.  This is an essential tool for contact tracing in the event of need.

Face Covering:
Finally, all members must wear a face covering when on WYC property, including the docks, clubhouse grounds, and parking lots when encountering others. The face covering is to protect other people from you, not protect you from other people. This is a recommended safe practice. If someone requests you to put your face covering on, to remain physically distanced, or both, please do so and be respectful. Please remind others of the physical distancing requirements

We appreciate your continued diligence and patience as we get back to racing in a healthy and safe manner.

Thanks, stay safe, and be well.

Andy Spence-Parsons
Commodore | Wayzata Yacht Club
commodore at wyc.org

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