[Sonar] They sprung me

Ernest Brody epbrody at earthlink.net
Sun May 2 15:35:58 CDT 2010

I was released from the hospital at about 3 PM this afternoon.  They really
don't have a handle on what happened but I think that they have ruled out
heart attack and stroke.  They're saying a synchopal (fainting) episode with
vasovagal (they're not quite sure but it may have been a blood pressure
drop) event.  


They want to make sure I don't have a problem which will kill me so I'm
going to have a heart stress test with an echocardiogram as an outpatient.
Just to be sure, I'm going to have an MRI on my head (everyone says I should
have my head examined).  When they don't find anything we'll all scratch our
heads and wait until something happens again.


I want to apologize to Gail for leaving the party so early.  Things were
just getting going and the pizza was delicious.


Thank you Carmella for sitting with me and then alerting JR when it was
clear that something was REALLY wrong.  I want to thank the three angels who
appeared around me, Becca, Cheryl, and Chandra, and put the situation under
control.  It is wonderful to have friends who know what to do in an
emergency.  I also want to thank Elena who, when told by Tom that I was at
Abbott, came to the ER and boosted my spirits.


Thank you all for your good wishes and thoughts.


See at least some of you on Tuesday around 6:15 - 6:30 PM to do the Tuesday
Training door.



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