[Sonar] Confirmation of Lunch Orders

Gail Klein gail.l.klein at gmail.com
Tue Sep 20 22:32:52 CDT 2011

Briefly, here are the orders I put in today. Let me know if I missed you,
and I'll connect. I can take a few orders in Thursday if needed.


#462 Orion  2
Rhumb Line   4
#312   Boetcher  3
#159 Pirates Booty  4
#40 Tally Ho  3
#137  Stieers  4
#239 Liberty - 2
#424 Brouhaha  3
#371  Zataway  4
Stephen Reid - 1   Total 30


#462  - 4
#312 -  3
#159 - 4
#40  - 3
#137  - 4
#371 - 4
#424  - 3
Stephen Reid  - 2  Total 29
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