[Sonar] Help for Door at Tuesday and Saturday Spring Training Sessions

Ernest Brody epbrody at usinternet.com
Tue Apr 26 20:21:21 CDT 2016

Hello Fellow Sonarians


It's Spring! Or at least I think it is. Temperature sure isn't giving a


As usual, we need some help at the door for the Tuesday and Saturday
Training. The first session of each series always is busiest because that is
when we sell the package tickets. 


We need people at 6:45 on Tuesdays May 3, 10, and 17.


We need people at 7:30 on Saturdays May 7, 14, and 21.


Also we need boats on the Saturdays for the On-the Water session. We'll be
particularly in need of boats on the second weekend, May 14, because the
J/22s and J/24s are having a regatta. That's the Starts session which is the
most fun anyway.


It's the usual deal, help at the door and stay for the session.


Please let me know if you can help.






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