[Sonar] And while I'm thinking about it...

Carmella Foster carmella at apexq.com
Sun Jul 30 11:01:29 CDT 2017

Two Thursdays ago, I was at the club before the race.  There was no wind.  Everyone knew there was not going to be a race.  No one was in a hurry to leave the club.  After all, they knew they were just going to motor out to the Main Lake and wait for the 3 horns and come back for beer.

Three people were sitting at the Crew Looking for a Ride table.  No one invited them to go for a ride.  So what if you did not need crew?  They wanted to be on the water.  I am ashamed that I was not paying enough attention and did not realize what had happened until all the boats were gone, and I was left with 3 sad-faced people who were excluded from the opportunity for a boat ride for no good reason.

Bert always said, we have an unwritten rule that no one will be left on shore who wants to be on the water, unless there is a darn good reason.  Let's remember that.  Let's remember that we are a place that welcomes strangers and newbies.  We are not a snooty yacht club.  Let's not forget who we are.  We are better than that.  Yes, we are.

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