[Sonar] Reminder: Winter Party and Chili Cook-off THIS SATURDAY

Carmella Foster carmella at apexq.com
Thu Feb 27 08:49:17 CST 2020

The weather forecast for Saturday is perfect for a party!  Join your WYC friends from noon until 3:00 to celebrate the sunshine and try our contest entries - Chili, cornbread and dessert.  Vote for your favorites (one chili, one cornbread and one dessert).
If you plan to bring chili, or cornbread or dessert, I would appreciate hearing from you, so I can get an idea on whether we will have enough for everyone.

Grace Buchanan has graciously agreed to lead all who are interested in Yoga in the Snow.  "Sno-ga" will start promptly at noon, so arrive early to not miss a single stretch!

Bring your bike if you want to go for a ride on the frozen lake.  Our leader, Thorn Turner, will decide whether ice conditions are favorable.  (Last Sunday, riding on the lake was compared to "plowing through mashed potatoes".)

We will have sailing trivia and roaring fires.  There will be beer, wine, hot chocolate and soda to drink.

Save a plastic spoon and bring your utensils from home.  If you don't, we will have plastic, and a limited number of stainless steel spoons.  Please don't throw them in the trash!

Come on out and eat chili, see your friends, and have fun!


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