[Sonar] Get ready for the water Sonar fleet #5 Zoom social!- June 12

Thomas Brown tbrown9164 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 5 15:33:12 CDT 2020

Some of us are in the water and there is likelihood that some on the water
activities may resume after June 14.  More on that later from WYC

On the fleet side,  I'm sure many of us are ready to feel the wind and sun
on our face, and a rope burn on our hands!.

I'm putting on another Sonar Zoom social like we did on April 30.   By
popular request, we'll make our flag rules mnemonics into a game...with
prizes! TBD.

When/where:  June 12,  6:15 PM


Meeting ID: 870 608 3017
Password: 350967

Note that these zoom link details may change with a different account but
the date and time will not.  Please stay tuned.

Steps to enjoy the Zoom Sonar social and game night:

1. Before the date,  go get the Zoom client from https://zoom.us/download
 for your device.   You can use an Android, iPhone or Linux/Windows

2. On that Friday,  before the meeting, I will be sending out a link that
you'll want to click on to get into the meeting.   If all was done well,
 that's all you need for that part.   No passwords etc. needed.

3. Acquire a bunch of index cards,  any color and normal or larger size
doesn't matter.  Get at least 10.

4. Acquire a fairly wide felt tip pen to write on the index cards with
(e.g. Sharpie).   A ballpoint pen won't be enough.   You will be showing us
your cards to your device's camera,  and bold writing will be necessary.

5. Review the race flags from last years SI's or from the US Sailing rule
book.   Also take a look at the flag mneumonics in the attachment.   Like
the TV 'Jeopardy' game,  you'll need to know the right mneumonic for the

Oh...and just before the meeting,  be sure to grab your favorite post race
beverage and have it right by you!

Thomas Brown
"Maximizing Business by Minimizing Surprises"
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"All black square:   Don't you dare!"   (over early disqualification)

"Pennant red and white:  something's not right"  (postponement,  various scenarios)

"Diagonal red and yellow: take care of your fellow"   (pfd flag)

"Big black dot, can cost you a lot!"    (no dip starts,  around the end restart etc with I flag.)

"Blue, White, Red:  changes ahead"   (change of course)

"All blue,  there you are through"   (finish flag)

"Big fat plus:  it might be us!"    (individual recall)

"Pointy Blue And Gold: This race is already old!"  (general recall)

"White, blue square: running out of air"    (course shortened)

"Chessboard face:   abandon race!"   (abandon the race immediately)

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