[Sonar] Sonar fleet meeting additional agenda items by request

Thomas Brown tbrown9164 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 6 07:47:59 CDT 2021


Here is a tentative agenda for our fleet meeting scheduled for 6:30 PM
(social 'hour' beginning at 6:00)  Wednesday September 8, at the WYC
clubhouse and via zoom.   Zoom details are stated in a separate email.

1. Brief lake level update

2. Bank account balance financial  statement and conclusion to 2021/2022

3. Discussion of certain spare parts to be maintained locally
- Do we want to have certain parts that have difficult logistics to be here
locally  (e.g. mast/rails etc)

- If yes,  who wants to write up a tentative agreement that could be used
between owners/partners

3. Outlook for 2022/2023 Sonar class  or 'extended club' events

-  2022 Worlds

- Future N/As for WYC

- Galveston team racing next spring?

- Possible Sheboygan or Lake Geneva events?

- Friday events  (2022)

4. Fleet promotion and recruitment

-  Overview of boats becoming available

- Search for potential interested owners we are aware of

- Efforts to recruit new owners and crews.  Discussion of methods

- Sonar fleet #5 brand marketing and promotion

Other ideas...

5.  Owners/partners needs

-  who needs what

Many hands make light work.

See you there!

Thomas Brown
"Maximizing Business by Minimizing Surprises"
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