[AIS] Welcome to the AIS E-mail List Server

dallas johnson dallas at dallasjohnson.net
Tue Jun 10 13:34:50 CDT 2003

Good Morning,

We've decided to jump start the AIS e-mail list server. To do this, we've
taken a list of e-mail address' of the usual suspects and added you to the
list of a few brave souls who had already subscribed on their own. Currently
there are about 20 subscribers on the list.

The fleet list servers are provided by WYC to the fleets. Anyone on the list
is welcome to send messages to the other list members regarding fleet
business, social events, or whatever. The only thing we ask is that you not
"flame" other people and that you refrain from overt commercial activity not
related to your fleet.

Please encourage your crew members to join the list so that they also know
what's going on up north. It's one of the few things you boat owners can
provide to your crew members that's pretty much free.  My recommendation is
that you forward this e-mail to all your AIS sailing friends telling them
that if they didn't receive the same message, please sign up at

To send a message, e-mail from your subscribed e-mail address to
ais at lists.wyc.org

Once again, to subscribe (or unsubscribe), click on the E-Mail Lists link on
the homepage of wyc.org. From there click on the AIS link.

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