No subject

Sun Jul 18 20:23:00 CDT 2010

I believe the Capri fleet puts on the best series celebration every year,
but it comes at a cost - a cost that's not evenly distributed among the
fleet.  That's because not all boats participate in the event.  It is a
general assumption (although not clearly stated) that all members (full,
skipper, crew, or otherwise) are contributing to make this event happen.  



Thanks in advance for all those creating the best party event.  


El  <> Gringo Pussygato for those Capri
boats not participating or contributing, if you do find this end of show
test card stuck to your boat, "don't worry Gilligan", West Marine will have
plastic razor blades and special thinner for 3M's Fast 5200.  Our captain
Kirk set the contribution price at $30.00.  "Very Interesting" ???  The same
cost as thinner and razor blades at West Marine. 


Thanks Speedy




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