[J22-Fleet 1] Reminder - Capri party 6/16

Thorn Turner jtturner12 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 12 16:44:02 CDT 2006

  Just a reminder that Fleet 1 has committed to running the Capri's social on Friday evening in return for their assistance during the North Americans.
  I'll send an update with specific times and responsibilities but plan on cooking, pouring, setting up, cleaning up, etc. 
  We need them more than they need us so a good turnout is important.  And... it's the Capri fleet, so it promises to be a lot of fun. 
  Thanks to Jon Dyer and Mark Edelman who have generously agreed to help them out on Friday morning as well, before the first keg is even tapped (I think...) 
  No need to respond - just show up!  
  Thanks - 

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