[J22-Fleet 1] NA's - Capri Support

Joe T Turner thorn_turner at uhc.com
Fri May 26 14:45:13 CDT 2006

Fleet 1,

Just a reminder that we will be running the Friday evening social for the Capri
Intergalactic Championships / ADA event on June 16th.  This is in return for
their assistance during the North Americans.

Jill Bull is buying the food, refreshments, etc. but we will be responsible for
cooking, cleaning, serving, etc.  Anytime the Capri fleet is involved it's a lot
of FUN as well, so please plan on being there.

They actually begin sailing on Friday.  We can really be heroes if 2-3 people
could assist with breakfast on Friday morning.  General Mills is supplying the
food (as they will be for us), again it's just setting up, helping serve, clean
up etc.  You do miss out on the rum at that hour of the day though (I think...)
but this would be a huge help.

Please respond to this and let me know your availability for either time.



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