[Phrf] SI's for next year?

Bibulus Bibulus at live.com
Mon Dec 17 09:54:06 CST 2018

Hey PHRFers!  Via Jolene, our fabulous doer of all things fleet-related, a request has come down for input on next year's Sailing Instructions, and more specifically the start order.  Kevin and Terry (et alia) want our opinion for next year.  Things like should the start order be changed so that we don't always head up the rear for every race, what course do we like and on what days, et cetera.  They want this info to come through fleet captains though, so if you can email me or Clay that would be great.  Any opinions?!?!?  I know everyone has lots!

Personally, I would like to see longer races when possible (SUNDAY!), especially when there is actually wind to do it.  I think most people are on board with this, right?  The RC last year did much better than previous years with this I think.  Lots more OMs.

As for the start order, I know there are issues with us starting earlier, but I if they could make it happen somehow I am for it.  What do you all think?

Let me know!  Hope you all are having a pleasant winter!  I have been spending my time working on new hummus recipes.  Just you wait!

Josh Garvin
P2 Capt.
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