[J22-Fleet 1] Discussion Thread - Z Course

dallas at dallasjohnson.net dallas at dallasjohnson.net
Tue Jun 20 12:02:10 CDT 2006

Is it just me....

I try try try to stay out of the middle on Thurday nights. With the Z
courses I find that I'm now forced to go to only one side because if
you go the other way you're stuck in the middle of the other course.
Also, the wave action in the middle of the course seems extra nasty. 

I haven't had time to review this on  Kattack or gossip about it much,
so maybe I'm all wrong. 

Sorry if I'm off topic. Have a consistent color and shape on each side
of the course and I think we'll all (including the RC) eventually get
it figured out. And big marks, Macy's parade size marks. 


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